Wednesday, March 27, 2013

An early report for Easter

This week's photos are early for two reasons: Gail and I are both planning to spend most of the Easter weekend at the National Folk Festival, for one, and our friend Jo came with us to look at the house today, which gave me a chance to take some photos, for another.

We have walls! Well, partial walls, at least.

The house from across the street

The back of the garage

More bricks

The front of the house

Gail's wall

The Eastern side of the house

More of the Eastern side of the house

Back to the front

A full moon over Wright

Comments, please

Some of you have apparently been trying to leave comments, but none of them have registered. However, I have changed the settings, and at least one person (that would be you, Allan) has been successful. We are very excited about the house, and it is lovely to hear your thoughts.

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Neighbours have moved in across the street

I didn't take pictures of them. That seemed a little forward, given that we haven't actually met yet, but the first of our neighbours was moving in (almost directly across from us) this afternoon when I was taking this week's photos.

The safety rail is still on the roof, and there are a couple of pieces of Colourbond in the front yard, but it looks as if the roof is complete.

This week's job was to pick a colour for the water tank. We've gone for Bland Wheat, as it will match the window frames - more or less.

The tracking shot
Windows - my bedroom, my bathroom, and the Eastern sitting room
I took this one from up the street. On the right is a car
belonging to our new neighbours (the closest I got to
taking their picture). From this angle, you can see that
the roof on our house looks as if it is complete.
The underside of the roof, and a door (not The
Front Door, but a door at the front of the house),
which will eventually be hidden behind the trees
in the front garden.
The patio doors
Lots of bricks, which I hope will soon be turned into walls

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Photos from 17 March

I'm a little late posting the photos from last weekend.

The tracking shot from across the road

The bricks have been delivered

More bricks

and even more bricks

Bits of the roof

Next week, I will be posting photos of the windows and more photos of the roof, if I can get up high enough.

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Sunday night, even on the Canberra Day weekend ...

Even on the Canberra Day weekend, Sunday night means that I post the picture of the week, to track progress on the house. Well, they are up to the roof.

The weekly shot from across the road

From the left


I do like a tidy building site

One more, just for fun

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Another idea for a pathway

Here's another path I came across, tucked away in a corner on campus.
I imagine that this one would eventually rot,
but it looks lovely at the moment.
It looks as if our first site visit will be soon after Easter. Exciting!

Sunday, March 3, 2013

The shape is showing

The shape of the house is emerging even more strongly now. The profile of the roof is obvious from these photos, and the sizes of the rooms is becoming obvious.

The regular weekly shot from across the street
We haven't had our first official, inside-the-fence visit to the site yet, but it is very close. All the photographs so far have been taken from the outside using the hold-the-phone-up-to-a-hole-in-the-fence technique. It will be very exciting to have some taken from inside the house, even if we are only looking at the shapes of the rooms.

Looking towards the front door

My bedroom on the right

My bedroom on the right again - a different angle

Evidence of carpenters

Through the window of Gail's bedroom

There is something quite beautiful about the bones of a house

Past the garden shed towards the patio

Most of these walls will be double-glazed windows and doors

Back at the front again
Every week brings change. I'm not sure if our house is progressing more quickly than others in the street, but it feels as if it is. One of the external walls on the house across the road has been started, but not much else has changed on that site since last week. There's a house up the road that doesn't seem to have grown at all in the last three weeks. I hope ours continues to grow as quickly as it has.