Once the garden is planted, much less of the garden shed will be visible. |
The Kangaroo Paws - three different types - lining the driveway |
The plants that were put in about 4-6 weeks ago are starting to grow beautifully now that the weather is warning up. |
Next time I clean out the fish pond, I'll make sure that it isn't on a lean. |
Some red and orange pigface, ready to be planted out, in the green tray. The herbs in the background were a present from Gail's friends Meg and Allie. |
This morning's job was to add a few extra plants to the row of broadleaf myoporum. (Sedum Autumn Joy and Iceberg.) |
There are more plants in this garden bed than are immediately obvious from this picture. |
The front steps with the Kangaroo Paw plants in the left. |