Friday, September 20, 2013

Settling in nicely

Well, we are settling in nicely, and the unpacking is almost complete. There are a few more boxes in the second sitting room, and Gail has put some of her unpacked boxes in the (very small) garden shed, but all in all, it's coming along.

Once the garden is planted, much
less of the garden shed will be visible.
The Kangaroo Paws - three
different types - lining the driveway

The plants that were put in about 4-6 weeks ago
are starting to grow beautifully now
that the weather is warning up.

Next time I clean out the fish pond, I'll
make sure that it isn't on a lean.

Some red and orange pigface, ready
to be planted out, in the green tray.
The herbs in the background were
a present from Gail's friends Meg and Allie.

This morning's job was to add a few extra
plants to the row of broadleaf myoporum.
(Sedum Autumn Joy and Iceberg.)

There are more plants in this garden bed than
are immediately obvious from this picture.

The front steps with the Kangaroo Paw plants in the left.
Tomorrow, Big Josh (thus named, because my friend Jenn called her baby Joshua James, too) is coming over for a spot of gardening. I think we might tackle the nature strip, which I want to plant with ground covering herbs and wild flowers. The first part of that job is to dig out all the weeds that have grown there, and to spread some soil. That will take us a couple of hours, at least.